Онлайн 4D Курс

«Etheric Threads»

Course Curators:

Image Course Curators

Kuan Yin Goddess, Archangel Raphael, St. Pantaleon, and the Her Excellency Mother of Mercy, Mother of God.

Image Kuan Yin Goddess, Archangel Raphael, St. Pantaleon, and the Her Excellency Mother of Mercy, Mother of God.

The Etheric Threads Course offers you a special technology of the Deities’ subtle world, as a universal tool to help you restore and mend whatever you need. Gods use etheric threads to “weave” (materialize) any item, or event. You’ll somehow turn into God, so you can learn to create various things the way He does.

You’ll somehow turn into God, so you can learn to create various things the way He does

To attend this Course, you don’t need any deep knowledge of esoteric studies. The Saints – the Earth’s curators as Supreme Hierarchs – will tell you about a human being’s chakras and subtle bodies. Starting from scratch, you’ll end up with getting a clear understanding of the mechanisms how energies work. In addition, they will always start a stream, together with their assistants and your Guardian Angels, to work with you and other participants individually – whether you do the Course online, or listen to its recorded classes.

Image - in addition, they will always start a stream, together with their assistants and your Guardian Angels

Saints live beyond time – energy with its features. In addition to living in the linear perspective, we can enjoy quantum time. There, energy gets initiated and maintained as constant at any point of creation – if the Supreme life calls it to be manifested, or awaken. This means that both online and recorded classes of this Course offer you similarly effective energies.

Photo of the roundup for the «Etheric Threads» Course page
Photo of the border rounding for the «Etheric Threads» Course
Yasnosvet Paul shares all information he gets during the streams
Photo of the boundary wave for the «Etheric Threads» Course page

«Etheric Threads» Course Steps

«Etheric Threads» Course Steps
«Introduction & Course Overview»
More time to get specialized techniques, projects, and knacks to create unique materials by using etheric threads.
«Subtle Technologies of Etheric Threads»
«Your Fate & Life Single Thread»
Online 4D Course

«Etheric Threads» Course

Pay equivalent

52 525 ₽

The Course has 8 lessons, one every 3 days

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